Game Republic

Game Republic – Free Mock Review For All Members


From April this year, all signed-up Game Republic members will receive an exclusive FREE game evaluation, in the form of a 200-word mock review and anticipated Metacritic score, in addition to 12 business-focused networking events a year,
special offers and more.

Mock reviews help developers and publishers to evaluate their game and know before launch what the likely critical and player response will be – incredibly useful for PR/marketing planning and crucial gameplay improvements. Game Republic is the only games network to offer this as part of the membership benefits and focuses again on our core mission of “more business for our members”.

Managing Director Jamie Sefton has a background in games journalism and has previewed, reviewed and played thousands of games for magazines and websites over the past 15 years (including Official Nintendo Magazine, Official Xbox 360 Magazine and PC Zone), as well as professionally evaluating games for major developers and publishers.

Plus – the additional added value of the new mock review won’t increase the cost for joining the Game Republic network – all membership fees have been frozen for another year, starting at just £100 for sole-traders. If companies require a more in-depth evaluation, with constructive ideas on how to improve their games, a reduced rate is also available for Game Republic members.

If you have any questions about the free mock review or any aspect of Game Republic membership, email jamie [at] gamerepublic [dot] net.


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