Game Republic

Team from Boneloaf awarding prize to Nina Cliff of Sumo Group with Simon Iwaniszak Red Kite Games and Jamie and Jackie from Game Republic

Game Republic’s Inclusivity Award goes to Sumo Group

Sumo Group has won the Boneloaf sponsored Inclusivity Award in the Game Republic 20th Anniversary Awards at Tileyard North. Sumo Group was praised for nurturing their talent and providing a healthy, enriching, creative and safe work environment. Sumo was acknowledged for improving diversity in recruitment and promotion processes, actively encouraging people from marginalised groups to consider a career in games. Particular focus for the judges decision was the Sumo Digital Academy – a talent development programme opening new pathways into games and the first in the UK to deliver an industry apprenticeship recognised by government and the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. It offers a Diversity Internship Training Programme, giving people from under-represented groups opportunities to receive training and mentoring in games programming. The judges regarded their work as trailblazing and providing a very positive impact on the industry.

Conor Clarke from Boneloaf said  ” We are delighted to see Sumo Group as the winner of this award.As one of the largest Games Companies in the UK, they know that they have a responsibility to lead from the front in regards to inclusivity and supporting diversity within the industry. It’s clear from all their activities, employee support groups and their dedicated Inclusion and Belonging team that they are doing so. We are particularly inspired by their talent development programme, the Sumo Digital Academy, of which we’ve observed such a positive impact within Sheffield.”

Conor added “The nominations list for this award was very inspiring. Each and every nomination could be declared a worthy winner, as they are all working to make the Yorkshire games industry a better and more inclusive space. The impact that every nominee has had on the industry is notable and inspiring.”

Featured Photo: Johnny Carr

To read more about the Game Republic Award nominees and winners click here

The Game Republic 20th Anniversary Awards are part of a year-long programme of event being supported by Official Partners Red Kite Games, Barclays and Escape Technology.

Sumo Group inclusivity award plaque blue with white dots, boneloaf logo in left corner

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