Game Republic’s Official Partner Red Kite Games will be coming to GaMaYo on 23rd May and hosting a roundtable for those looking to develop their careers in games. The roundtable called “Getting Started – Tips for Landing Role in the gaming industry with Red Kite Games” will be hosted by Declan Larkins with presenters from the multi-award winning company including Dave Roberts – Creative Director, Ruth Dickens – Programmer and Farhana Khan – Producer.
The team will provide insights on what to do once you have completed studies, share recommended qualifications for those struggling to secure a role and offer top tips on how to stand out and get noticed by employers in the games industry.
Red Kite Studio Director Simon Iwaniszak said “GaMaYo is one of the highlights of the year for Red Kite and we’re looking forward to hosting our roundtable at this brilliant event. Red Kite has always supported aspiring game developers looking to find their home within the games industry, and we’re very excited to share our experiences with everyone. Making games in Yorkshire is a lovely place to do it, and GaMaYo is a true celebration of this!”
The roundtables at GaMaYo are a new feature of the event and will start at 5pm before the game demos begin. The roundtables will mean all attendees will be able to access free advice and support, and ask questions of the experts. Jackie Mulligan, co-director of Game Republic explains “We are very fortunate in the network to have such expertise at our fingertips, and more importantly experienced and skilled experts across the North and beyond who are willing to share their learnings and tips to support developers. We hope this new feature provides extra help to indie devs this year and adds to the networking opportunities at the event. Roundtables confirmed so far include PQube, ID@Xbox, Eaton Smith Solicitors, Escape Technology, Lewis Silkin and we will be adding more to the list through the coming days There will be ten tables to choose from and each one will last 15-20 minutes to allow for a short presentation and Q&A. We are really excited to be bringing this new element to GaMaYo.”
GaMaYo will be preceded by a VIP networking event at 4pm which will enable Game Republic members to meet special guests before the event starts at the spectacular Tileyard North (host and headline sponsor). At 6pm demos will start with a record number of new games being shown including Dig VR, Southfield, MemoraWanderer, Dream On A Stick, Governor of the West, Race Day and many more. The event is part of a year long programme of events supported by Official Partners Barclays, Red Kite Games and Escape Technology.
To find out more about GaMaYo and the Game Republic network, check out the websites and if you would like to join, get in touch.
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