Over 300 developers from across the North have joined the Great Northern Games Discord. The discord is bringing together collectives and events from across Yorkshire, the North East and the North West including GaMaYo, GameDev Liverpool, Gameopolis, Game Bridge, Format and Leeds Games Toast.
Jackie Mulligan who has been working with support from game developer Harry Flanagan to set up the Discord said “we are really pleased with the response and we have a wide range of well established studios and indie developers joining. We have also created a group for final year students too to support talent in the region. Right now it is more important than ever for Game Republic to support developers in the North to connect.”
MD of Game Republic Jamie Sefton who has just returned from GDC adds “At GDC, it was clear what talent we have in the UK, and how important connections are to our continued success. From a soft launch two weeks ago the Discord is continuing to grow and I would encourage any developers or those supporting the games industry in the North to join this initiative that is aimed at strengthening our industry even further.”
The next in-person indie game developer event GaMaYo happens on 23rd May and 200 developers have already booked to attend this free event with 20 new games set to demo too.
Jamie adds “Innovation comes from collaboration and I am looking forward to seeing new people join us in person as well as on the Great Northern Games Discord.”
To join the Great Northern Games Discord click here
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