Game Republic

Games Industry Support from Game Republic

As the games industry hits a period of what some once described as ‘adjustment’ post Covid, we are reaching out to all those impacted by recent losses to say there are green shoots out there and right here. Recent events have shown us that there are opportunities, new games are being published, studios are gaining funding, new technology is providing renewed interest in the sector and there are regional, national and international events enabling games developers and companies to make the right connections.

We are leading a trade mission to GDC where we have lots of meetings set up, there are funds available from UK Games Fund, BFI and many more, there are opportunities to access free training and there are events and meet-ups happening to help you connect with other developers, publishers and platform-holders. The Games Industry is full of creative, passionate and committed people, and in Yorkshire and The North, we have a very collaborative network with Game Republic and GaMaYo.

If you have lost work or a job in the games industry and want to work or are already based in Yorkshire and The North, please get in touch. We would like to invite you to come along to the friendliest and most inclusive meet-up in the North GaMaYo on 23rd May for FREE with our host venue Tileyard North – a new creative hub in West Yorkshire. We know that when our industry works together, amazing things can happen. We want to help you get connected. Simply get in touch with us here and select Games Industry Support, subject to availability, we will send you a code for a free ticket to join us in May.

If you are feeling down, please have a read of this article and know that you are not alone.


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