Game Republic

Free DIT Export and Funding Workshop For Yorkshire Games Companies – 20th July, Leeds

GDC main entranceAre you a Yorkshire and Humber new or established SME games company that wants to attend international events? Do you want to increase your sales, meet international platform-holders and publishers and create job opportunities?

The Department for International Trade is hosting a free Export Strategy Workshop on Thursday 20th July, 9.30am – 12.30pm, in Leeds just for games companies that will help them develop international business and make decisions on the next steps in overseas markets.

  • Learn how to approach global business
  • How to effectively research suitable overseas markets
  • Plan your export strategy
  • Identify key International events you should be attending such as the Game Developers Conference and how to get the most from the events
  • Identify your next steps for export success

The event will also provide one-to-one help for games companies attending to apply for grants through the Exporting For Growth (EFG) scheme, which can provide up to £5000 match-funding (depending on the individual company circumstances) towards attending events such as the Game Developers Conference and Gamescom.

Places are limited, so please sign up at the website asap – don’t miss out on funding for you as a sole-trader or your SME games company!


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