More than 20 new games will be on show at GaMaYo on 23rd May and we will be sharing more about them over the coming weeks on the newly updated website
Over 300 #Gamedevs are set to attend this event alongside some very special guests including publishers, platform-holders and investors that will be announced soon.
In the meantime we can confirm just some of the roundtables that will be providing free advice, insights and Q&A for #indiegamedevs on the day from 5pm at the fabulous Tileyard North – host venue and sponsor of the event!
Starting up a games studio with Eaton Smith Solicitors,
Marketing your game with Other Things
IP and risks on Open Source Software with Lewis Silkin
Game Career tips from Red Kite Games
If you haven’t booked your place yet, make sure to register soon! Game Republic members look out for the free code that includes an option to join the VIP networking from 4pm, GaMaYo members should have a code for the event that is on the Discord and on Facebook. In addition to support diversity in the games industry and at events, all attendees have a code to invite someone in their network that works in the games industry or wants to work in the games industry from an under-represented group.
The Game Republic events programme is supported by our Official Partners Barclays, Red Kite Games and Escape Technology.
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