A bit of a diversion this, but many in the Game Republic network may not know that that as well as being a passionate advocate and player of videogames, Jamie has been a long time fan of musician/artist Bill Drummond and his band along with Jimmy Cauty, The KLF. Last year Jamie was selected to write a year of his biography celebrating his 70th birthday – a 1000 words about 2008 – 2009 when he was 55, in any style, and it could be factual or completely made up. Jamie submitted his 1000 words and received a certificate signed by Bill which gave him the ownership of that year of his life.
Fast forward to this year, and in true Drummond style, the chapter is only available online for 24 hours. So if you would like to read it, or listen to Bill Drummond reading the 1000 words, then just click on the link. Mu Mu!
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